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Have a Lawyer Negotiate
On Your Behalf

Fixed at $200 per week*

Free discussion limited to issues about your finances

* 3 month minimum. Limited to property matters. Subject to further terms and conditions. Excludes complex cases which may attract a higher fee.

Reasons for Negotiation

After separation, it's crucial that you do your best to reach an agreement with your former partner about dividing your assets and debts. Reaching an agreement makes things a lot easier and avoids costly court litigation.

If discussions with your former partner have not been successful, our negotiation package may be suitable for your circumstances.

Our negotiation package involves a family lawyer writing to your former partner and negotiating on your behalf with the aim of reaching an agreement to split your finances.

There are several situations where our clients might find a negotiation package or service suitable.

  • Can’t agree on whether to sell or keep the house
    • One of you might want to keep it, but you can’t refinance the mortgage on your own.
    • Your partner can’t decide on what to do with the house and is avoiding discussions.
    • One of you wants to sell and the other wants to keep the house.
  • Can’t agree on a payout figure for the person giving up their interest in the house
    • For instance, there might be $300,000 of equity in the property, but one person is offering only $50,000, which might be an unsatisfactory amount.
    • There could also be difficulties agreeing on a sensible methodology to calculate the payout figure.
  • Can’t agree on the value of the house
    • You may have different opinions on the house's worth and are unable to resolve how to accurately determine its value.
    • Agreeing on the value of the house is essential because it determines the equity in the house and impacts the payout figure from the person keeping the house to the person giving up their interest in the house.
  • Superannuation becomes a sticking point
    • People think it’s 50/50 but that’s not always the case.
    • Your partner refuses to give up any superannuation.
    • You’re unsure how much super you’re entitled to.
  • You get a letter from a lawyer
    • Your partner engaged a lawyer, and sent you a letter.
    • It can be overwhelming.
    • It might ask for disclosure, with an offer to settle.
    • Do you need to provide the documents the lawyer requested? What happens if you don’t comply?
    • Is it a fair request for documents?
    • You don’t want to engage with your partner’s lawyer yourself. You want legal representation as well.
  • The other person is not engaged in meaningful discussions
    • You’ve tried having informal discussions but it has not worked.
    • Bad offers are being exchanged.
    • Can’t agree on what things are worth and what each party wants to do.
    • Not forthcoming with disclosure of financial information.
    • They don’t want to disclose what things are worth, or what assets they have.
  • Reneging on Agreement
    • You reached an informal agreement and your partner changed their mind.
    • They believe they might be entitled to more.
    • They might start disputing agreed values.
    • Changed their mind about the assets they are keeping.
  • Delay
    • It has been so long without any progress.
    • You need to get off the joint property/mortgage so you can move on to purchase other property.
    • No contact (or little contact) with your former partner.
    • Can’t get a new mortgage because you’re still on the mortgage with your former partner.
    • Getting to the point where you need to do something.
    • You don’t know what your former partner has.

What To Expect From Us

Sending a letter to your former partner requesting financial documents.
  • We’ll help you understand exactly what assets and debts your partner has.
  • We’ll write to them to obtain financial disclosure, which is your right under law.
  • This is important as it helps you understand whether your deal is fair or not.
Help with Completing Interim Tasks

These tasks include:

  • Outstanding bills need to be paid
  • Outstanding mortgage payments
  • Who is going to reside in property
  • Returning of items
  • Large purchases
  • Access joint funds (2 to sign)
  • Pending sales
  • Who lives in the house
Review Financial Documents

The review includes:

  • Looking for strange or big transactions going out
  • Looking for transactions to other bank accounts to find other accounts that have not been disclosed.
  • Ensuring all the bank accounts have been disclosed.
  • Looking at other assets that they paying towards and investments
  • Looking to see if there are any repeated/consistent transactions, waste (e.g. excessive expenditure on gambling, alcohol) or large cash withdrawals
Help with Completing Interim Tasks
  • It can change once you find out more information on the house.
  • Once you disclose financial documents, it may change entitlements
Help you get appraisals and valuations
  • We’ll help you obtain an accurate value of the house, if you can’t agree.
  • Even if you can agree on the value of the house, we can help verify if the house value is accurate.
Making offers back and forth to reach an agreement
  • We’ll make proposals to settle on your behalf.
  • We’ll respond to proposals from your partner.
  • Negotiations involve a number of offers back and forth, until an agreement is reached.
Narrow down the issues in dispute
  • It can change once you find out more information on the house.
  • Once you disclose financial documents, it may change entitlements
Propose alternative dispute resolution
  • Mediation with an ex family law judge
  • Extra fees apply to that
Doing everything we can to avoid court
  • No one wants to go to court. You only do that as a last resort.
  • It’s far more cost effective for us to try one last time to get an agreement, than going to court.
  • If we can get an agreement, we can save you lots of money in avoiding going to court.

Reasons To Let Us Negotiate For You

  • Peace of mind knowing negotiations are taken care of by a family lawyer.
  • Start communication with your partner who may otherwise be evasive.
  • Knowing you are not going to be short-changed or get a bad deal.
  • Save money by potentially avoiding going to court
  • Makes things go quicker - so they don’t drag out too long (so you can move on sooner)
  • Affordable fixed weekly fee (no price fluctuations

Successful Negotiation Examples

Names have been changed to protect clients' identity.

Jeremy's photoSusan's photo

Susan & Jeremy

We helped Susan negotiate with her partner Jeremy



15 Years


August 2007


March 2022






No Children




Jeremy's Income

$150,000 per annum

Susan's Income

$60,000 per annum


  • Each paid for separate assets
  • Susan looked after the house while Jeremy primarily worked
  • Jeremy always earn double what Susan made


  • House 1

    In Jeremy's Name

    Value: $605,000

    Mortgage: $0

    Equity: $605,000

  • House 2

    In Susan's Name

    Value: $595,000

    Mortgage: $0

    Equity: $595,000

  • House 3

    Jointly Owned

    Value: $610,000

    Mortgage: $0

    Equity: $610,000


  • Jeremy's Super


  • Susan's Super


Total Net Assets:


Problems Susan Had Before Seeing Us
  • 1
    Susan received an initial offer from Jeremy of $200,000 plus keeping her house. Susan thought the offer was low. She was concerned because Jeremy was not transparent about his asset values, making it challenging for her to gauge the fairness of the offer.
  • 2
    Jeremy was unwilling to disclose the value of his assets, especially properties.
  • 3
    There was a difference in property valuations: Jeremy valued a disputed property at $450,000, whereas Susan estimated it to be around $750,000.
How We Helped Susan
  • Requested full financial disclosure from Jeremy for a transparent view of his assets, including properties, superannuation, and smaller assets like cars and trailers.
  • Created a comprehensive spreadsheet to analyse Jeremy's offer based on the newly disclosed asset values.
  • Provided expert legal advice on whether Jeremy's offer was genuinely fair, considering the total asset pool.
  • Communicated with Jeremy to negotiate a more equitable division of assets for Susan.
  • Advised Susan on the possibility of formalising the agreement through cost-effective consent orders once both parties reached an agreement.
Jack's photoSarah's photo

Jack & Sarah

We helped Jack negotiate with his partner Sarah to get a formal valuation of their shared home, clarified what he was entitled to, initiated negotiations with her legal counsel and explored offers to get a fair agreement.

John's photoSophie's photo

Sophie & John

We helped Sophie negotiate with her partner John as he was non-compliant and not forthcoming with values of his assets. We contested John’s low estimations to get accurate valuations for Sophie.

Amanda's photoKevin's photo

Amanda & Kevin

We helped Amanda negotiate with her partner Kevin as she had limited knowledge about the asset pool and wanted to know her entitlements so she could move on and settle with her new partner.

Edward's photoMargaret's photo

Edward & Margaret

We helped Edward negotiate with his partner Margaret as he was faced with inconsistencies and was uncertain how to split up the assets. We assisted him with responding to Margaret, helped him divide up the assets as well as counter offered Margaret for a fair deal.


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LawAI is a helpful and informative AI chat bot that specialises in family law enquiries.

  • Ask questions about dividing your assets and debts, consent orders, prenups, binding financial agreements, refinancing etc.

  • In-depth knowledge about different types of situations based on all the information on our website.

  • Easy to use and it’s free.

Caution should be taken when using LawAI as it can give incorrect information. Consider checking important information. LawAI is not a substitute for legal advice.

What Our Clients Say About Us


Overall Rating



“Angelo provided excellent advice and a very swift service

“They provided a flat fee, which was lower than any other family lawyer”

“I highly recommend MKI Legal”


Patient and supportive, always returned calls and provided much needed guidance and advice throughout a rather trying time in my life”

“MKI are very transparent and reasonable with their costs


“Thank you to Angelo who has assisted me with a matter which was very daunting and felt way out of my depth

“He was very compassionate, caring and...constantly communicated with me”

“Nothing was ever too hard and he always made me feel like I mattered


“Was of great assistance to me, giving prompt and clear advice at all stages of the process.”

“Made what could have been a complex process seem easy and stress-free. Am very appreciative!”


“This whole process has been extremely stress free, the cost was amazing as compared with thousands of dollars quoted by several other law firms.”

“Angelo was easy to talk to and very pleasant to deal with.


“Angelo from MKI Legal was extremely helpful and professional with his assistance in my legal matters.”

“He was very thorough with his work and was prompt will all correspondence.”


Ratings correct as of late 2023

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